New Hope for Seniors with Bruised, Fragile Skin


During the past 30 years, the average age of my patients has increased significantly. A frequent concern among my senior patients is their fragile skin and its tendency to bruise. Mature skin naturally becomes more prone to bruising due to factors like sun damage, decreased blood flow, and even thinning of the skin.

As we age, the protective layer of fat under our skin starts to deplete. This layer helps act as a cushion when we’re younger, keeping blood vessels from breaking. However, aging skin has less of a cushion, so bruising happens more easily. This makes the skin more susceptible to even minor trauma, and can even result in tearing of the skin.

Another part of aging is the need to take more medications. Many types of medication, both oral and topical, can turn bruising into a bigger problem. Many common prescription and over-the-counter drugs have a blood-thinning effect. Bleeding under the skin from broken capillaries may take longer to stop, making bruises bigger and darker than they would have been otherwise.dermend-25-oz-box-bottle-r-4

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Medications that contain corticosteroids can cause the skin to thin with frequent use, whether taken orally or topically, making it easier for bruising to occur. Sun damage can have a similar effect, with UVA rays causing a breakdown in elastin and collagen, leading to more easily damaged and bruised skin.

There haven’t been many options to reduce the appearance of bruising for patients with this type of skin condition – until now.


I’ve been impressed with a non-prescription topical product that was developed specifically to improve the appearance of bruised skin – DerMend® Moisturizing Bruise Formula. The proven ingredients in DerMend’s patented formula – including retinol, alpha hydroxy acid, ceramides and Arnica montana extract – can rejuvenate mature skin and help restore and maintain the skin’s natural protective barrier.

I’ve been recommending DerMend for my senior patients with thin, fragile skin and chronic bruising, and the results have been very promising. My patients notice that the appearance of their bruised skin seems to improve more quickly.

I’ve found that DerMend works best when used twice a day over the entire affected area, especially on arms and legs, where bruising is most likely to occur. And, for best results, I recommend using DerMend on a regular basis to help rejuvenate and restore the skin’s natural barrier.

If you’re still concerned or have questions about your bruising, consult your dermatologist.

Aging is a fact of life. However, we can help slow some of the consequences of it. If you want to improve the appearance of bruised skin, DerMend can help. To learn more, visit DerMend Moisturizing Bruise Formula is available over the counter at Walmart, CVS/pharmacy and Walgreens.


Joseph Bikowski, MD, FAAD, is Director of Bikowski Skin Care Center in Sewickley, PA.dr-business-beat-6

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Last modified: January 31, 2018

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