MIT Student Put Fast Food Workers on Notice with their Mechanical Kitchen


Spyce is the exciting new restaurant created by four MIT engineering graduates with the help of Michelin-starred chef Daniel Boulud and Sam Benson.  This new Boston restaurant attempts to achieve the cost-effectiveness of fast food by using automated systems without sacrificing quality.

The four students, Michael Farid, Brady Knight, Kale Rogers and Luke Schlueter, found commonality in their frustration with the food options offered to students such as themselves in a reasonable and affordable price range.  They decided to take action and began creating a new technology in the basement of their fraternity that they hoped could give them the best of both worlds.

That was 2015.  On May 3, 2018, they realized their dream by opening the first restaurant of its kind and started taking orders at 231 Washington Street in Boston.  The restaurant, called Spyce, is set up to receive food orders via a touch screen computer inside…

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Last modified: March 26, 2019

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